In a world that often emphasizes division and isolation, the wisdom from ŚrīPāda's Charithra, reminds us of the need for fostering selflessness, compassion, love and togetherness.

Commemorating the words of Adi Guru Dattatreya, in His different manifestations, we strive to share the spirit of love and service.

By commencing this 'samāja' SrīPāda Vallaba proposes to build a community of harmonious souls, leading the way to the Era of Light.

If our life is a result of our karma, our selfless actions hold the key to our liberation. Let's sanctify our days ahead ~ let's rise in Compassion and Kindness, as we grow empathetic to our surroundings and the world at large.


  • We are here to collaborate; not compete.
  • We are here to rejoice; not judge.
  • We are here to love; not hate.

  • ...sailing our way from limited awareness to HIS eternal Consciousness...
